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Este es el espacio para presentar a los visitantes el negocio o la marca. Explique brevemente quién está detrás, qué hace y qué lo hace único. Comparta sus valores fundamentales y lo que este sitio tiene para ofrecer.

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Nuestra historia

Este es un espacio para compartir más sobre el negocio: quién está detrás, qué hace y qué tiene para ofrecer este sitio. Es una oportunidad para contar la historia detrás de la empresa o describir un servicio o producto especial que ofrece. Puede utilizar esta sección para compartir la historia de la empresa o resaltar una característica particular que la distingue de la competencia.

Deja que la escritura hable por sí sola. Mantenga un tono y una voz consistentes en todo el sitio web para mantenerse fiel a la imagen de la marca y brindar a los visitantes una idea de los valores y la personalidad de la empresa.

Nuestra visión




Russ grew up with the Committee.  A native Tucsonan, his father was a member of the Committee for over 50 years and brought Russ on as an Associate in 1991.  He became a full member in 1993. 


Russ has served as Co-Chair of Public Relations, Chair of the Buildings and Grounds, and Operations sub-committees.  He served on the Executive Board for many years and was previous Committee Chairman in 2007-08.

Herb Wagner

Herb was born in Tucson and volunteered for his first parade in 1983.  He became member of the committee in 1986 and has served numerous terms on the Executive Board as Secretary and was committee Chairman in 1999-2000.


Herb has been chairman of the Equipment Rentals, Museum, Operations, Judges, and Entries and Lineup sub-committees, and is the committee’s Public Information Officer and Historian.

Lisa Canez 

Lisa is serving her second consecutive term as Treasurer for the Committee.  Lisa has been a committee member for 5 years and has also Co-Chaired the Tickets sub-committee during her tenure.




Dominick has a long history with the Parade Committee, He became an Associate Member in 1993, A full Member in 1995 and has been an Advisory Member since 2013.  During his time on the committee, Dominick has assisted with the Security, Operations, Entries and Line-up and Museum sub-committees. This is his fourth term as Advisor to the Board.

Member at Large
Tom Davenport


Tom was first associated with the parade as a volunteer in 1982 and became a member of the committee in 1986.  His tenure with the committee includes several terms on the Executive Board, as Secretary, and as Chairman of the Committee in 1995 and 1996. He has served as Chair of the Building and Grounds, Grandstands, Entries and Lineup, Operations, and Co-Chair of the Museum sub-committees.  Tom is also a member and past chairman of the Tucson Rodeo Committee

Member at Large
Ed Stolfa


Ed was Chairman of the Parade Committee for the 2019 and 2020 parades.  He has served on the Executive Board many times, including as Secretary.  He has chaired the Marshaling and Color Guard sub-committee and is current lead for the 100-year celebration.

Member at Large
Phil Castro


Phil joined the committee as an Associate Member in 2013 and has been a full member for nine years.  He has chaired the Prizes sub-committee and is one of the Operations leads for the parade.  He is serving his first term on the Executive Board.

Member at Large
George Flores

George is beginning his first term on the Executive Board.  He joined the committee as a member in 2017 and has served on the Equipment and Shop, Buildings and Grounds, and Museum sub-committees.

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