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101 Parade Route
The Tucson Rodeo Parade will take place on
Thursday, February 26, 2026, at 9:00 a.m.
In cooperation with the City of Tucson, the parade route will begin at South 12th Avenue and Drexel Road, proceed East on Drexel to Old Nogales Highway, then turn North, ending at Irvington Road.
The route change was necessitated by the decision of Union Pacific Railroad not to hold trains for the three-hours necessary, on the section of track that the parade has historically crossed on its previous route. This new route will keep the parade near the Rodeo Grounds but won’t cross the railroad tracks.
The Tucson Rodeo Parade Committee appreciates the assistance of the City of Tucson and the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association in finding this new route that will offer plenty of spectator viewing opportunities.

Quick Links
2026 Parade Application: Coming Fall of 2025!
Marching Band
Volunteer Release & Consent Form
Minor Release & Consent Form
The Tucson Rodeo Parade Committee offers a variety of wagons for parade rental. Enjoy everything from a one-horse buggy to a six-horse rig! For more information and pricing, click on the Wagon Rentals Link above.

Museum Gift Shop Hours:
Thursday-Saturday 9:30am-2pm
FREE SHIPPING available for purchases over $100.

Annual Barn Dance
The Tucson Rodeo Parade Committee would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who came out to support the parade.
A special thank you to The Maverick for graciously hosting our annual event, and a huge round of applause to Chauncey Jones for truly knocking it out of the park!
Your contributions helped make this event a resounding success!
The Tucson Rodeo Parade Committee would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Bert W. Martin Foundation for their steadfast and unwavering support of the Tucson Rodeo Parade.
Thanks to the generosity of the Bert W. Martin Foundation, we were able to host a spectacular concert for the Southern Arizona Community, marking the exciting kickoff of the Parade's Centennial Celebration.
A special thank you to Chandler Warden and the Bert W. Martin Foundation for your invaluable contributions, which make it possible to uphold and celebrate this cherished cultural tradition of the Tucson Rodeo Parade.

100 Yrs. & Still Rollin' Concert
Gary Allan
November 8, 2024
Special Thanks